A Lunar Palace
Real magic is when a dream becomes reality

Real magic is when a dream becomes reality
The challenge
Cladding the outer façade of the Bottega Veneta palace in Ginza with a new custom finish, which was specifically designed to fulfill the designer’s dream: giving the building a lunar look.
To clad the façade of this palace, we realized about 900 Lunar Aluminium panels: this finish was developed by our Research & Development department together with the Technical Office and the Finish Department. This project required an accredited level 3 anodization called Qualital: the best possible one, which ensures quality over time.
To give the palace the materic feel of the moon, we scratched and removed material from every panel, looking to recreate the feel of lunar craters. Thanks to this processing, every panel was treated as unique, and therefore slightly different from the others: in this way, we were able to make the palace look harmonious and shiny like the moon.
The result
An ordinary palace, which was turned into something unique, capable of amazing those who look at it: this was possible thanks to the interplay of light and shadow given by our extraordinary finish, and to the feel of movement given by the alternating panels near the windows and the main entrance.
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